1. 1: G. A. Creak : Sigplan Notices 21#4 20 (April 1986). (NOTE : This reference is NOT intentionally funny. I thought it was but I have it on the best possible authority6.) 1: G. A. Creak : Sigplan Notices 21#4 20 (April 1986). (NOTE : This reference is NOT intentionally funny. I thought it was but I have it on the best possible authority 6 .)
2. Wexler : "Garbage collection;Computer Bulletin Series,1988
3. The “Worm” programs—early experience with a distributed intelligence
4. 4: E. Rich : Artificial Intelligence (McGraw-Hill 1983) page 52. (NOTE : Rich's monkey is actually the one trying to reach the bananas but doubtless it will be able to direct you to the ones with the typewriters.) 4: E. Rich : Artificial Intelligence (McGraw-Hill 1983) page 52. (NOTE : Rich's monkey is actually the one trying to reach the bananas but doubtless it will be able to direct you to the ones with the typewriters.)
5. Some humor in an A.I. qualifying exam