1. Weak ordering---a new definition
2. Alexander Aiken Alexandru Nicolau and Steven Novack. 1995. Resource-Constrained Software Pipelining. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 6 12 (1995) 1248ś1270. 10.1109/71.476167 Alexander Aiken Alexandru Nicolau and Steven Novack. 1995. Resource-Constrained Software Pipelining. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 6 12 (1995) 1248ś1270. 10.1109/71.476167
3. An Inspector-Executor Algorithm for Irregular Assignment Parallelization
4. ARM. {n. d.}. ARM Cortex-A15 Processor. htp://www.arm.com/ products/processors/cortex-a/cortex-a15.php . ARM. {n. d.}. ARM Cortex-A15 Processor. htp://www.arm.com/ products/processors/cortex-a/cortex-a15.php .