IDF for Word N-grams


Shirakawa Masumi1,Hara Takahiro1,Nishio Shojiro1


1. Osaka University, Osaka, Japan


Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) is widely accepted term weighting scheme whose robustness is supported by many theoretical justifications. However, applying IDF to word N-grams (or simply N-grams) of any length without relying on heuristics has remained a challenging issue. This article describes a theoretical extension of IDF to handle N-grams. First, we elucidate the theoretical relationship between IDF and information distance, a universal metric defined by the Kolmogorov complexity. Based on our understanding of this relationship, we propose N-gram IDF, a new IDF family that gives fair weights to words and phrases of any length. Based only on the magnitude relation of N-gram IDF weights, dominant N-grams among overlapping N-grams can be determined. We also propose an efficient method to compute the N-gram IDF weights of all N-grams by leveraging the enhanced suffix array and wavelet tree. Because the exact computation of N-gram IDF provably requires significant computational cost, we modify it to a fast approximation method that can estimate weight errors analytically and maintain application-level performance. Empirical evaluations with unsupervised/supervised key term extraction and web search query segmentation with various experimental settings demonstrate the robustness and language-independent nature of the proposed N-gram IDF.


Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan; JST, Strategic International Collaborative Research Program, SICORP

CPS-IIP Project

national level challenges “research and development for the realization of next-generation IT platforms” by MEXT, Japan

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Science Applications,General Business, Management and Accounting,Information Systems

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