Polynomial homotopy continuation on GPUs


Verschelde Jan1,Yu Xiangcheng1


1. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL


The purpose of the software presentation is to announce a library to track many solution paths defined by a polynomial homotopy on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Developed on NVIDIA graphics cards with CUDA SDKs, our code is released under the GNU GPL license. Via the C interface to PHCpack, we can call our GPU library from Python.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Reference15 articles.

1. N. Bliss J. Sommars J. Verschelde and Xiangcheng Yu . Solving polynomial systems in the cloud with polynomial homotopy continuation. In V.P. Gerdt W. Koepf E.W. Mayr and E.V. Vorozhtsov editors Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing 17th International Workshop CASC 2015 Aachen Germany volume 9301 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science pages 87 -- 100 . Springer-Verlag 2015. N. Bliss J. Sommars J. Verschelde and Xiangcheng Yu. Solving polynomial systems in the cloud with polynomial homotopy continuation. In V.P. Gerdt W. Koepf E.W. Mayr and E.V. Vorozhtsov editors Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing 17th International Workshop CASC 2015 Aachen Germany volume 9301 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science pages 87--100. Springer-Verlag 2015.

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3. A. Leykin and J. Verschelde . Interfacing with the numerical homotopy algorithms in PHCpack. In N. Takayama and A. Iglesias editors Proceedings of ICMS 2006 volume 4151 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science pages 354 -- 360 . Springer-Verlag 2006. 10.1007/11832225_35 A. Leykin and J. Verschelde. Interfacing with the numerical homotopy algorithms in PHCpack. In N. Takayama and A. Iglesias editors Proceedings of ICMS 2006 volume 4151 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science pages 354--360. Springer-Verlag 2006. 10.1007/11832225_35

4. Supporting extended precision on graphics processors

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