1. Campbell W. "Steve Jobs Dishes On the Tech Business In 'Lost Interview' from 1995 " November 16 2011 NPR: http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2011/11/16/142373973/steve-jobs-dishes-on-the-tech-business-in-lost-interview-from-1995. Accessed 2014 May 11 Campbell W. "Steve Jobs Dishes On the Tech Business In 'Lost Interview' from 1995 " November 16 2011 NPR: http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2011/11/16/142373973/steve-jobs-dishes-on-the-tech-business-in-lost-interview-from-1995. Accessed 2014 May 11
2. Novice programmer errors: language constructs and plan composition
3. VPCL: A visual language for teaching and learning programming. (A picture is worth a thousand words)
4. Ebrahimi A. C++ Programming Easy Ways Volume I & II. (Boston: American Press 2002). Ebrahimi A. C++ Programming Easy Ways Volume I & II. (Boston: American Press 2002).
5. Kernighan B. W. & Ritchie D. M. The C Programming Language. (Prentice Hall 1978). Kernighan B. W. & Ritchie D. M. The C Programming Language . (Prentice Hall 1978).