1. J. Allan , D. K. Harman , E. Kanoulas , and E. M. Voorhees . TREC 2018 Common Core Track Overview. In The Twenty-Seventh Text REtrieval Conference Proceedings (TREC 2018) , 2019 . J. Allan, D. K. Harman, E. Kanoulas, and E. M. Voorhees. TREC 2018 Common Core Track Overview. In The Twenty-Seventh Text REtrieval Conference Proceedings (TREC 2018), 2019.
2. User Variability and IR System Evaluation
3. D. Banks , P. Over , and N.-F. Zhang . Blind Men and Elephants: Six Approaches to TREC Data. Information Retrieval Journal (IRJ), 1(1):7--34 , 1999 . D. Banks, P. Over, and N.-F. Zhang. Blind Men and Elephants: Six Approaches to TREC Data. Information Retrieval Journal (IRJ), 1(1):7--34, 1999.
4. On Using Fewer Topics in Information Retrieval Evaluations
5. Test theory for assessing IR test collections