1. 2019. E-CAS: Exploring Clouds for Acceleration of Science an Internet2 project supported by the National Science Foundation. https://www.internet2.edu/vision-initiatives/initiatives/exploring-clouds-acceleration-science/ 2019. E-CAS: Exploring Clouds for Acceleration of Science an Internet2 project supported by the National Science Foundation. https://www.internet2.edu/vision-initiatives/initiatives/exploring-clouds-acceleration-science/
2. 2019. EDUCAUSE Cloud Computing Community Group. https://www.educause.edu/community/cloud-computing-community-group 2019. EDUCAUSE Cloud Computing Community Group. https://www.educause.edu/community/cloud-computing-community-group
3. 2019. HARC-Humanware Advancing Research in the Cloud. https://humanware.iu.edu 2019. HARC-Humanware Advancing Research in the Cloud. https://humanware.iu.edu
4. 2019. HCloudBank -- Managed Services to Simplify Cloud Access for Computer Science Research Education. https://www.cloudbank.org/ 2019. HCloudBank -- Managed Services to Simplify Cloud Access for Computer Science Research Education. https://www.cloudbank.org/
5. 2019. History of the Knowledge Base. https://kb.iu.edu/d/acjq 2019. History of the Knowledge Base. https://kb.iu.edu/d/acjq