1. Ajmone-Marsan M. Balbo G. Oiardo G. and Conte G. "A Software Tool for the Automatic Analysis of Generalized Stochastic Petri Net Models " International Conference on Modellin~ Teehniqne and Toolo for Performance Analyoio Paris France May 1984. Ajmone-Marsan M. Balbo G. Oiardo G. and Conte G. "A Software Tool for the Automatic Analysis of Generalized Stochastic Petri Net Models " International Conference on Modellin~ Teehniqne and Toolo for Performance Analyoio Paris France May 1984.
2. A class of generalized stochastic Petri nets for the performance evaluation of multiprocessor systems
3. Computational aspects of aggregation in multiple class queueing networks
4. Baskett F. Chandy K.M. Muntz R.R. and Palacios F.G. "Open Closed and Mixed Networks of Queues with Different Classes of Customers " JAGM ~?~ 2 April 1975 248-260. 10.1145/321879.321887 Baskett F. Chandy K.M. Muntz R.R. and Palacios F.G. "Open Closed and Mixed Networks of Queues with Different Classes of Customers " JAGM ~?~ 2 April 1975 248-260. 10.1145/321879.321887
5. Bruell S.C. Balbo G. Ghanta S. and Afshari P.V. "A Mean Value Analysis Based Package for the Solution of Product-Form Queueing Network Models " International Conference on Modcllin~ Techniques and Tools for Performance Analynis Paris France May 1984. Bruell S.C. Balbo G. Ghanta S. and Afshari P.V. "A Mean Value Analysis Based Package for the Solution of Product-Form Queueing Network Models " International Conference on Modcllin~ Techniques and Tools for Performance Analynis Paris France May 1984.