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2. Internet of Things Architecture: Recent Advances, Taxonomy, Requirements, and Open Challenges
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4. Ali Kadhum Idrees , Karine Deschinkel , Michel Salomon , and Raphael Couturier . 2016 . Perimeter-based coverage optimization to improve lifetime in wireless sensor networks . Engineering Optimization , March 2016. 48:11, 1951 - 1972 . doi: 10.1080/0305215X.2016.1145015. Ali Kadhum Idrees, Karine Deschinkel, Michel Salomon, and Raphael Couturier. 2016. Perimeter-based coverage optimization to improve lifetime in wireless sensor networks. Engineering Optimization, March 2016. 48:11, 1951-1972. doi: 10.1080/0305215X.2016.1145015.
5. Ali Kadhum Idrees , Karine Deschinkel , Michel Salomon , and Raphael Couturier . 2015. Distributed lifetime coverage optimization protocol in wireless sensor networks. The Journal of supercomputing.71 , November 2015 . 4578–4593. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-015-1558-x. Ali Kadhum Idrees, Karine Deschinkel, Michel Salomon, and Raphael Couturier. 2015. Distributed lifetime coverage optimization protocol in wireless sensor networks. The Journal of supercomputing.71, November 2015. 4578–4593. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-015-1558-x.