Randomized Contractions Meet Lean Decompositions


Cygan Marek1,Komosa Paweł1,Lokshtanov Daniel2,Pilipczuk Marcin1,Pilipczuk Michał1,Saurabh Saket3,Wahlström Magnus4


1. Institute of Informatics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

2. University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA

3. Department of Informatics, University of Bergen and Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Tharamani, Chennai, India

4. Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham Hill, United Kingdom


We show an algorithm that, given an n -vertex graph G and a parameter k , in time 2 O ( k log k ) n O (1) finds a tree decomposition of G with the following properties: — every adhesion of the tree decomposition is of size at most k , and — every bag of the tree decomposition is ( i , i )-unbreakable in G for every 1 ⩽ ik . Here, a set XV ( G ) is ( a , b )-unbreakable in G if for every separation ( A , B ) of order at most b in G , we have | A \cap X | ⩽ a or | BX | ⩽ a . The resulting tree decomposition has arguably best possible adhesion size bounds and unbreakability guarantees. Furthermore, the parametric factor in the running time bound is significantly smaller than in previous similar constructions. These improvements allow us to present parameterized algorithms for M INIMUM B ISECTION , S TEINER C UT , and S TEINER M ULTICUT with improved parameteric factor in the running time bound. The main technical insight is to adapt the notion of lean decompositions of Thomas and the subsequent construction algorithm of Bellenbaum and Diestel to the parameterized setting.


H2020 European Research Council

United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation

Narodowe Centrum Nauki

Swarnajayanti Fellowship


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Mathematics (miscellaneous)

Cited by 11 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Partitioning subclasses of chordal graphs with few deletions;Theoretical Computer Science;2024-02

2. Flow-augmentation II: Undirected graphs;ACM Transactions on Algorithms;2024-01-19

3. On Weighted Graph Separation Problems and Flow Augmentation;SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics;2024-01-08

4. A Single-Exponential Time 2-Approximation Algorithm for Treewidth;SIAM Journal on Computing;2023-11-14

5. Partitioning Subclasses of Chordal Graphs with Few Deletions;Lecture Notes in Computer Science;2023








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