1. Down K. Specialised AAC provision: Commissioning national services. Office of the Communication Champion and Council London. 2011; http://www.thecommunicationtrust.org.uk/commissioners/reports.aspx Down K. Specialised AAC provision: Commissioning national services. Office of the Communication Champion and Council London. 2011; http://www.thecommunicationtrust.org.uk/commissioners/reports.aspx
2. Golinker L. Speech generating device funding for children. Exceptional Parent. (September 2009) 64--65. Golinker L. Speech generating device funding for children. Exceptional Parent . (September 2009) 64--65.
3. Unlike the U.S. healthcare is provided nationally through the National Health Service (NHS). The NHS is the publicly funded healthcare systems in the U.K. primarily funded through general taxation rather than requiring insurance payments. The vast majority of health services are free at the point of use to residents of the U.K. Unlike the U.S. healthcare is provided nationally through the National Health Service (NHS). The NHS is the publicly funded healthcare systems in the U.K. primarily funded through general taxation rather than requiring insurance payments. The vast majority of health services are free at the point of use to residents of the U.K.
4. Blackstone S. Augmentative Communication News (Special issue on AAC funding) 18 4 (December 2006); http://www.augcominc.com/newsletters/index.cfm/newsletter_47.pdf Blackstone S. Augmentative Communication News (Special issue on AAC funding) 18 4 (December 2006); http://www.augcominc.com/newsletters/index.cfm/newsletter_47.pdf
5. Assessing the loneliness of older people with cerebral palsy