1. Dan Alistarh, James Aspnes, and Rati Gelashvili. 2018. Space-optimal majority in population protocols. In Proceedings of the 29th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms ((SODA)). 2221--2239.
2. Dan Alistarh Krishnendu Chatterjee Mehrdad Karrabi and John Lazarsfeld. 2024. Game Dynamics and Equilibrium Computation in the Population Protocol Model. arXiv:2307.07297 [cs.DC]
3. Dan Alistarh and Rati Gelashvili. 2015. Polylogarithmic-time leader election in population protocols. In Automata, Languages, and Programming. Springer, 479--491.
4. Fast and Exact Majority in Population Protocols