1. Understanding Dropouts in MOOCs
2. Predicting MOOC Dropout over Weeks Using Machine Learning Methods
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4. Sherif Halawa , Daniel Greene , and John Mitchell . 2014 . Dropout prediction in MOOCs using learner activity features . Proceedings of the second European MOOC stakeholder summit 37 , 1 (2014), 58--65. Sherif Halawa, Daniel Greene, and John Mitchell. 2014. Dropout prediction in MOOCs using learner activity features. Proceedings of the second European MOOC stakeholder summit 37, 1 (2014), 58--65.
5. Stephen Laurence and Eric Margolis . 1999. Concepts and Cognitive Science . In Concepts: Core Readings , Eric Margolis and Stephen Laurence (Eds.). MIT Press , 3--81. Stephen Laurence and Eric Margolis. 1999. Concepts and Cognitive Science. In Concepts: Core Readings, Eric Margolis and Stephen Laurence (Eds.). MIT Press, 3--81.