

Ghandeharizadeh Shahram1,Hull Richard2,Jacobs Dean3


1. Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles

2. Univ. of Colorado, Boulder

3. Sonic Solutions, San Rafael, CA


Traditional database systems provide a user with the ability to query and manipulate one database state, namely the current database state. However, in several emerging applications, the ability to analyze “what-if” scenarios in order to reason about the impact of an update (before committing that update) is of paramount importance. Example applications include hypothetical database access, active database management systems, and version management, to name a few. The central thesis of the Heraclitus paradigm is to provide flexible support for applications such as these by elevating deltas , which represent updates proposed against the current database state, to be first-class citizens. Heraclitus[Alg,C] is a database programming language that extends C to incorporate the relational algebra and deltas. Operators are provided that enable the programmer to explicitly construct, combine, and access deltas. Most interesting is the when operator, that supports hypothetical access to a delta: the expression E when σ yields the value that side effect free expression E would have if the value of delta expression σ were applied to the current database state. This article presents a broad overview of the philosophy underlying the Heraclitus paradigm, and describes the design and prototype implementation of Heraclitus[Alg, C]. A model-independent formalism for the Heraclitus paradigm is also presented. To illustrate the utility of Heraclitus, the article presents an in-depth discussion of how Heraclitus[Alg, C] can be used to specify, and thereby implement, a wide range of execution models for rule application in active databases; this includes both prominent execution models presented in the literature, and more recent “customized” execution models with novel features.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Information Systems

Reference65 articles.

1. AI~ITEt~Ol;I S.i HI;I.I R. AND Vh\ '4l: V. 1994. Fottndatioz~.~ ~~/' Databa ~~ ~. Addison-Wesley Reading. MA. AI~ITEt~Ol;I S.i HI;I.I R. AND Vh\ '4l: V. 1994. Fottndatioz~.~ ~~/' Databa ~~ ~. Addison-Wesley Reading. MA.

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3. BONNER A.J. 1995. The logical semantics of hypothetical rulebases with deletion. J. Logic Program. (to appear). BONNER A.J. 1995. The logical semantics of hypothetical rulebases with deletion. J. Logic Program. (to appear).

Cited by 22 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Hypothetical Reasoning via Provenance Abstraction;Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Management of Data;2019-06-25

2. DEX;Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data;2017-05-09

3. Incremental query evaluation in a ring of databases;Proceedings of the twenty-ninth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems of data - PODS '10;2010

4. Monitoring data dependencies in concurrent process execution through delta-enabled grid services;International Journal of Web and Grid Services;2009

5. Efficient Incremental Computation of CUBE in Multiple Versions What-If Analysis;Advances in Data and Web Management;2009








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