A High-Performance Distributed Object-Store for Exascale Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate


Smart Simon D.1,Quintino Tiago1,Raoult Baudouin1


1. European Centre for Medium Range, Weather Forecasts, Reading, United Kingdom


Horizon 2020 Framework Programme



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2. DAOS as HPC Storage: a View From Numerical Weather Prediction;2023 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS);2023-05

3. Energy Consumption Evaluation of Optane DC Persistent Memory for Indexing Data Structures;2022 IEEE 29th International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC);2022-12

4. Performance Comparison of DAOS and Lustre for Object Data Storage Approaches;2022 IEEE/ACM International Parallel Data Systems Workshop (PDSW);2022-11

5. Using ceph's BlueStore as object storage in HPC storage framework;Proceedings of the Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities of Efficient and Performant Storage Systems;2021-04-26








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