1. Berrymarl S. and Bailey T.R. The Double Helix of Education and the Economy. The Institute on Education and the Economy Teachers College Columbia University New York !~:2 Berrymarl S. and Bailey T.R. The Double Helix of Education and the Economy. The Institute on Education and the Economy Teachers College Columbia University New York !~:2
2. Brunner C. a~d Clarke K. Collaboration blues. In Desiffn Experiments: lntegrating Technoh~gies into Schooling To be published. Brunner C. a~d Clarke K. Collaboration blues. In Desiffn Experiments: lntegrating Technoh~gies into Schooling To be published.
3. Chase L. Brown M.K. Goldberg. N. and Moretti F. Archeotype: Discovering the Past through Simulated A rcheof %% New York: Dalton School and I~eachers College Columbia University 199I. Chase L. Brown M.K. Goldberg. N. and Moretti F. Archeotype: Discovering the Past through Simulated A rcheof %% New York: Dalton School and I~eachers College Columbia University 199I.
4. Collins A. Design issues of learning environments In Psycholo~cal and Educational Foundations of Technology- Based Education~ Springer-Verlag New York. In Press. Collins A. Design issues of learning environments In Psycholo~cal and Educational Foundations of Technology- Based Education~ Springer-Verlag New York. In Press.