1. Data Mining and Machine Learning
2. G. Strang , Linear algebra and learning from data . Wellesley-Cambridge Press Cambridge , 2019 . G. Strang, Linear algebra and learning from data. Wellesley-Cambridge Press Cambridge, 2019.
3. J. Chee and P. Toulis , “ Convergence diagnostics for stochastic gradient descent with constant learning rate ,” in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics , 2018 , pp. 1476– 1485 . J. Chee and P. Toulis, “Convergence diagnostics for stochastic gradient descent with constant learning rate,” in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2018, pp. 1476–1485.
4. BioGD: Bio-inspired robust gradient descent
5. Stochastic Gradient Descent Tricks