A Survey on the Role of Crowds in Combating Online Misinformation: Annotators, Evaluators, and Creators


He Bing1ORCID,Hu Yibo1ORCID,Lee Yeon-Chang2ORCID,Oh Soyoung3ORCID,Verma Gaurav1ORCID,Kumar Srijan1ORCID


1. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

2. Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea

3. Saarland University, Germany


Online misinformation poses a global risk with significant real-world consequences. To combat misinformation, current research relies on professionals like journalists and fact-checkers for annotating and debunking false information, while also developing automated machine learning methods for detecting misinformation. Complementary to these approaches, recent research has increasingly concentrated on utilizing the power of ordinary social media users, a.k.a. “the crowd”, who act as eyes-on-the-ground proactively questioning and countering misinformation. Notably, recent studies show that 96% of counter-misinformation responses originate from them. Acknowledging their prominent role, we present the first systematic and comprehensive survey of research papers that actively leverage the crowds to combat misinformation. In this survey, we first identify 88 papers related to crowd-based efforts 1 , following a meticulous annotation process adhering to the PRISMA framework (preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses). We then present key statistics related to misinformation, counter-misinformation, and crowd input in different formats and topics. Upon holistic analysis of the papers, we introduce a novel taxonomy of the roles played by the crowds in combating misinformation: (i) crowds as annotators who actively identify misinformation; (ii) crowds as evaluators who assess counter-misinformation effectiveness; (iii) crowds as creators who create counter-misinformation. This taxonomy explores the crowd's capabilities in misinformation detection, identifies the prerequisites for effective counter-misinformation, and analyzes crowd-generated counter-misinformation. In each assigned role, we conduct a detailed analysis to categorize the specific utilization of the crowd. Particularly, we delve into (i) distinguishing individual, collaborative, and machine-assisted labeling for annotators; (ii) analyzing the effectiveness of counter-misinformation through surveys, interviews, and in-lab experiments for evaluators; and (iii) characterizing creation patterns and creator profiles for creators. Finally, we conclude this survey by outlining potential avenues for future research in this field.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Reference115 articles.

1. Vlad Achimescu and Pavel Dimitrov Chachev. 2020. Raising the Flag: Monitoring User Perceived Disinformation on Reddit. Information 12 (12 2020), 4. Issue 1.

2. Wasim Ahmed, Josep Vidal-Alaball, Joseph Downing, and Francesc López Seguí. 2020. COVID-19 and the 5G Conspiracy Theory: Social Network Analysis of Twitter Data. Journal of Medical Internet Research 22 (5 2020), e19458. Issue 5.

3. Mohammad A. Al-Motlaq. 2021. ”There is No Corona; It's a Conspiracy”: Addressing the Perceptions of People about COVID-19 through the Narrative of Their Comments on Social Media. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet 25 (1 2021), 65–76. Issue 1.

4. Jennifer Allen, Antonio A. Arechar, Gordon Pennycook, and David G. Rand. 2021. Scaling up fact-checking using the wisdom of crowds. Science Advances 7 (9 2021). Issue 36.

5. Birds of a feather don’t fact-check each other: Partisanship and the evaluation of news in Twitter’s Birdwatch crowdsourced fact-checking program








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