Interface Representation Patterns


Zimmermann Olaf1,Stocker Mirko1,Lübke Daniel2,Zdun Uwe3


1. University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland, Rapperswil

2. innoQ Schweiz GmbH

3. University of Vienna, Software Architecture Research Group, Vienna, Austria



Reference31 articles.

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4. Mario R Barbacci Robert J Ellison Anthony Lattanze Judith Stafford Charles B Weinstock and William Wood. 2002. Quality attribute workshops. CMU/SEI-2003-TR-016. Software Engineering Institute Carne- gie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA. Mario R Barbacci Robert J Ellison Anthony Lattanze Judith Stafford Charles B Weinstock and William Wood. 2002. Quality attribute workshops. CMU/SEI-2003-TR-016. Software Engineering Institute Carne- gie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA.

5. Service Interaction Patterns

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