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2. Charmaz, Kathy (2006) Constructing Grounded Theory. A Practical Guide Through Qualitative Analysis. London, Sage, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
3. Coenen, Herman (1989) “Cielesność za Ŝycie społeczne. O podstawowym problemie socjologii fenomenologicznej”. Pp 255-287 in Fenomenologia i socjologia. Zbiór tekstów edited by Krasnodębski, Zdzisław. Warszawa: PWN.
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5. Dietz, Mary Lorenz (1994) “On your toes: dancing your way into the ballet world”. Pp 66-84 in Ethnography as Human Lived Experience edited by Dietz, Mary Lorenz; Prus, Robert and Shaffir William. Toronto: Copp Clark Longman Ltd.