1. About the company (2016), http://www.zmnove.pl/page/22/Who-we-are (22.12.2016).
2. AHDB (2016), Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, EU pig meat self-sufficiency, http://pork.ahdb.org.uk/prices-stats/consumption/eu-self-sufficiency/ (15.12.2016).
3. AMI, Agricultural Market Information Company (various years), Market balance sheet livestock and meat, Bonn: published by author’s edition.
4. Annual Report (2013), Annual Report 2013, http://westfleisch.de/fileadmin/Bilder/02_Unternehmen/02.07_Archiv/02.07.01_Geschaeftsberichte/2013/Westfleisch_eG_GB_2013.pdf (22.12.2016).
5. ATKINS, P. J. and BOWLER, I. R. (2001), Food in society. Economy, culture, geography, London: Arnold.