
Крихели Нателла1,Kriheli Natella2,Болашова Светлана33,Bolashova Svetlana44


1. ФГБОУ ВО "Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет" им. А.И. Евдокимова" Минздрава России

2. Moscow State Medical and Dental University "named after A.I. Evdokimov

3. Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет имени А.И. Евдокимова

4. Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry


Subject. Currently, the use of laser technology is widespread in dentistry in all areas: in surgical dentistry, orthopedic, orthodontics, including aesthetic dentistry. But, despite the widespread use of lasers, in the modern literature not all the advantages of this treatment are described in comparison with traditional methods, including in the treatment of wedge-shaped defects. The most common methods of treating wedge-shaped defects, depending on the progression of the pathology, are reminatory therapy, therapeutic and orthopedic treatment. Thus, the treatment of wedge-shaped defects using the Waterlase Iplus chromium-erbium laser requires a more detailed description. Goal ― on the example of a specific clinical case, show the features and effectiveness of the Waterlase iplus chromium-erbium laser in the treatment of wedge-shaped defects using modern composite restoration material Filtek Ultimate. Methodology. A patient with a wedge-shaped defect in the tooth ... was treated with a Waterlase Iplus chromium-erbium laser followed by restoration with a Filtek Ultimate composite material. Laser was used for retraction of the gingival margin, preparation of the walls of the wedge-shaped defect; then etching, bonding and restoration with Filtek Ultimate Flowable and Filtek Ultimate composite materials. Conducted finishing grinding and polishing of the restoration. Single Bond Universal was used as an adhesive system. Results. The use of the Waterlase Iplus chromium-erbium laser in most cases eliminates the need for local anesthesia, retraction using a retraction thread, and prolonged etching, while ensuring good adhesion of the composite material to dentin and high aesthetics. Conclusions. Treatment of wedge-shaped defects with the use of a laser is an alternative and less invasive method of treatment compared with traditional methods, allowing you to reduce the time the patient is in the dental chair and make the treatment more comfortable.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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1. MODERN LASER TECHNOLOGIES IN ENDODONTICS;Actual problems in dentistry;2021-02-09








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