
Uspenskaya Ol'ga1,Nikulicheva Leyla2


1. Volga Research Medical University

2. Privolzhsky Research Medical University


Aesthetic dentistry is one of the up-to-date trends in dentistry. There are a lot of methods targeted at eliminating discoloration, including teeth whitening. The dentist’s task is to choose the optimal whitening system. Patients, especially those who work in hazardous industries, are also interested in getting a snowwhite smile. The authors have conducted a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of a chemical activation system with a 37% concentration of hydrogen peroxide (USA) with a chemical activation system with a 35% concentration of carbamide peroxide (Russia). Changes in the chemical composition of oral fluid were revealed after the professional whitening procedure. The subject of the study is the chemical composition of oral fluid. The goal is to study the chemical composition of oral fluid during teeth whitening procedures. Methodology. The studies were carried out on the basis of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Privolzhsky Research Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Center for Biotic Medicine” of Dr. A.V. Skalny, State budgetary institution of the Ryazan region “Dental Clinic No. 1” (Ryazan). The study involved 50 patients of both sexes from 23 to 45 years old, who were employees of an aircraft repair plant in Ryazan. Patients were divided into two groups. A chemical study of oral fluid was performed for 50 people before teeth whitening and for 15 people, in the control group, after teeth whitening. Results. Determined macro- and micro elements differed in quantitative content between the studied groups. Comparing the obtained data of the concentration of elements in saliva with the results of the work of other researchers, we can conclude that there is a scattering in the results according to the literature, possibly due to the different “microelement” status of the regions in which the sample donors live. Conclusions. The results of the study demonstrate that both whitening systems have a pronounced effect on the chemical composition of the oral fluid, while the system based on 37% hydrogen peroxide led to a greater degree of normalization of the level of chemical elements in the oral fluid.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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