
Popov Vyacheslav1,Karyakin Aleksey1,Karyakina Olga2,Dubinina Aleksandra1


1. Northern State Medical University

2. Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov


Importance Currently, the prevalence of various diseases of the oral mucosa in the world has increased significantly (from 15.2% to 49.1%). Oncological pathology should be attributed to a separate group of diseases. In order to actively identify precancerous processes of the oral cavity, along with traditional methods of examination of the maxillofacial region, oncoscreening of the mucous membrane and organs of the oral cavity is mandatory. One of the possible methods of oncoscreening is autofluorescence stomatoscopy. Objectives To clarify the effectiveness of autofluorescence stomatoscopy as the main method of early diagnosis of precancerous diseases of the oral mucosa, its advantages and disadvantages. Methods In the process of investigating the effectiveness of autofluorescence stomatoscopy, methods of qualitative analysis and synthesis of available scientific literature on autofluorescence stomatoscopy were used. Conclusions It is concluded that the use of autofluorescence stomatoscopy for the early diagnosis of precancerous diseases of the oral mucosa remains controversial. Some clinicians believe that the introduction of autofluorescence stomatoscopy into the practice of a dentist as an additional method of oncoscreening of the oral mucosa is not only relevant, but also necessary; and the analysis of the light glow corresponds to the results of a biopsy. However, other researchers have concluded that the AFS-method will not replace the gold standard of histological examination, due to the low specificity of the method, the study can lead to overdiagnosis, and it can only be used by experienced clinicians to find the boundaries of precancerous lesions of the oral cavity for taking a biopsy in an altered mucous membrane.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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