
Senina Valeria1,Usmanova Irina2,Ishmukhametova Amina2,Gerasimova Larisa3,Astakhova Margarita1,Kinziagulova Svetlana4


1. Bashkir State Medical University

2. Bashkirian State Medical University

3. Bashkirskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet

4. Dental polyclinic No. 2 of the city of Ufa


Subject. The article is a literary review devoted to the peculiarities of clinical manifestations of major dental diseases in patients with impaired carbohydrate metabolism, type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methodology. The data of Russian and foreign literature were studied using scientific search library databases: PubMed, Elibrary, Cochrane. Literature analysis was carried out on 59 sources over the past 5 years (42 domestic authors and 17 foreign ones). The analysis of the literature data allows us to consider type 2 diabetes mellitus as highly common somatic diseases leading to the development of various symptoms, syndromes and diseases of the hard tissues of the teeth, periodontal and oral mucosa. Results. Among the wide range of possible complications and symptoms are - impaired taste sensitivity, the presence of xerostomia, burning mouth syndrome, glossalgia, lichen planus, leukoplakia, candidiasis, chronic inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues, complicated and uncomplicated caries of hard dental tissues. Diagnostic and therapeutic and preventive measures in this case should be aimed at their early diagnosis and prevention. Conclusions. Against the background of manifestations of DM2, there is a significant prevalence of major dental diseases, which most often depends not only on the duration of the course and severity of DM2, but also on the state of carbohydrate metabolism compensation, age and gender. Undoubtedly, the principle of continuity of interested specialties, including dentists, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists and other specialists, has great prospects both in the diagnosis and prevention of pathology of the oral mucosa.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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