Co-tutorship process with high-risk children: an evaluation of the Rede Mãe Paranaense


Shibukawa Bianca Machado CruzORCID,Piran Camila Moraes GarolloORCID,Araújo Claudiana Ribeiro da SilvaORCID,Furtado Marcela DemittoORCID,Merino Maria de Fátima Garcia LopesORCID,Higarashi Ieda HarumiORCID


Objective: to understand how the co-tutorship between primary health care and the referral outpatient clinic from the Mother Network from Paraná (Rede Mãe Paranaense) in the follow up of high-risk children. Methods: qualitative study carried out by understanding the process of co-tutorship between primary health care and the referral outpatient clinic of the Stork Network (Rede Cegonha) in the follow up of high-risk children. The study included 28 coordinators of primary health care and two representatives of the high-risk clinic. Data collection was carried out through interviews that were transcribed and underwent thematic category analysis according with Bardin's principles. Results: data analysis led to the creation of the category Communication between primary health care and outpatient clinics: outcomes of the (dis)continuity of care to high-risk children. It became clear that the process of co-tutorship has weaknesses that prevent the provision of integral care. Conclusion: fragmented communication and lack of alignment between the services, in addition to not acting like co-tutors as they provide care to children and their families lead to shortcomings in the attention provided. Contributions to practice: the study allowed for the identification of weaknesses that can be crucial for future interventions in the high risk childcare network.


Rev Rene - Revista da Rede de Enfermagem de Nordeste


General Medicine







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