Current treatment methods for hernias and protruded lumbar intervertebral discs: exercise therapy, HILT, hivamat, and SIS therapy


,Antonenko N. S.ORCID,Kotenko K. V.ORCID, ,Korchazhkina N. B.ORCID, ,Vasilieva E. S.ORCID,


Abstract. This article presents a comprehensive review of literature on four current non-invasive non-drug methods of treating herniated and protruded intervertebral discs: exercise therapy, high-intensity laser therapy (HILT), deep oscillation therapy (Hivamat), and high-intensity magnetic therapy (SIS therapy). The purpose of the literature review is to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and treatment outcomes of each therapy. A review of the available literature, including clinical trials, systematic reviews, and comparative studies, was carried out. The focus is on the effectiveness of each treatment method in reducing pain and improving mobility and overall well-being of patients. The results of the literature review have shown that all four treatment methods are promising for the treatment of herniated and protruded discs. Exercise therapy is effective in the long term in reducing pain and relapse rates. HILT demonstrates rapid pain relief and reduction of inflammation. Hivamat is distinguished by its effectiveness in pain relief and tissue restoration. SIS therapy offers a minimally invasive approach with targeted pain relief. The authors conclude that modern non-invasive treatment methods, such as exercise therapy, HILT, Hivamat, and SIS therapy, are an efficient alternative to traditional methods of treating herniated and protruded intervertebral discs. The results of the analysis indicate a potential shift in clinical practice towards the need to include non-pharmacological methods in comprehensive rehabilitation programs. However, further largescale studies are recommended to better understand their long-term effectiveness and optimal use in clinical settings.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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