Analytical tools of the risk assessment mechanism for the establishment and development of a cluster for the production of flower products in the Kaluga Region


,Turchaeva I. N.ORCID,Kokorev N. A.ORCID,


state of the geopolitical situation, the disruption of well-established logistics supply chains, sanctions trade restrictions have led to an aggravation of problems in the flower industry of the regions, the country as a whole, and at the same time have identified new opportunities and prospects for its development. At the same time, the relevance of cluster design of the functioning of the industry increases. The functioning and development of the flower industry in modern conditions is associated with numerous threats and risks, which requires their identification, assessment, monitoring, followed by the adoption of adequate measures to neutralize. In these conditions, a reasonable, timely assessment of the risks of the current and investment activities of the cluster for the production of flower products in the whole region, taking into account the characteristics of its participants, is of decisive importance. Without an optimal selection of analytical tools and their effective use, it is impossible to ensure the reality of risk assessment, which certainly affects the effectiveness of producers of floriculture products and the industry as a whole. Based on a general analysis of the state of the floriculture industry in the region, the prospects for development in a cluster format, the article substantiates approaches to the optimal selection and use of analytical tools for a real assessment of numerous threats and risks in order to stop and level them in a timely manner. Based on expert estimates obtained using a specially developed PEST analysis methodology, the authors identified the main external risks and threats to the development of a flower cluster in the Kaluga region, summarized the results of SWOT analysis and identified measures that can reduce the negative impact of the identified threats and risks. The provisions of the article were used in the development of a strategy for the creation and development of a cluster for the production of flower products in the Kaluga region.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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