Development of an intelligent system for doctor-patient interaction in a day hospital


,Zhuravlev A. S.,Vyatkina N. Yu.ORCID, ,Borisova P. M.ORCID, ,Evsyukov S. A., ,Kuznetsova D. O.,


The article discusses the issue of finding optimal digital solutions to streamline organizational processes for medical organizations when providing medical care in a day hospital setting. Based on the analysis of in-depth interviews with medical specialists, the specific features of the system of providing medical care in a day hospital setting are described, and areas for optimizing the procedure for shortterm hospitalization at the present stage are identified. Taking into account the needs of practical healthcare in digital technologies, an algorithm for the functioning of a novel intellectual product (decision support system based on the intellectual processing method) is presented, including an onpremise system for monitoring, diagnosis, and analysis of medical data (condition self-assessment, satisfaction with aspects of treatment, etc.).


PANORAMA Publishing House

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