Features of morphometric characteristics of Artemia Leach, 1819 in lake Kulundinskoe, Altai territory in the period of desalination


Vesnina L.V.ORCID, ,Lassyi M.V.ORCID,Vesnin Y.A.ORCID, ,


The beginning of the study of the raw material base and features of the biology of the crustacean Artemia Leach, 1819 is associated with the prospect of using cysts as a starter food in aqua and sea culture. Food from Artemia cysts is used in the cultivation of 85% of marine organisms. Numerous hypersaline lakes of the Altai Territory are of particular interest for the industrial extraction (catch) of a valuable bioresource, the morphometric features of which, salinity and light regime provide a high level of their bioproductivity. This article presents the results of a morphometric study of the crustacean Artemia in the hypersaline lake Kulundinskoe for 2020–2021. Due to the increase in the general level of moisture in the territory, Lake Kulundinskoye tends to decrease in mineralization. In this regard, there are changes in the catch (production) of the main commercial resource — Artemia (at the stage of cysts), and the biota is replenished with brackish-water species. Under conditions of reduced water mineralization, crustaceans show a decrease in the values of morphometric parameters. By 2021, during the study, an increase in morphometric indicators was found due to an increase in mineralization from 70 to 90 g/l. Based on the studied main plastic (14) and meristic (2) features of the Artemia crustacean in the hyperhaline lake Kulundinskoe and using correlation analysis, the dependence of the parameters of morphometric measurements of female brine shrimp was studied. Desalination of Lake Kulundinskoe was observed in 2020–2021, in connection with which the biological numerical characteristics of the artemia branchiopods are given.


PANORAMA Publishing House


Environmental Engineering

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