Socio-hygienic monitoring of the incidence of cervical erosion in women of the Republic of Dagestan


Magomedova U. A.ORCID, ,Bagandova D. S.ORCID,Mamasheva G. D.ORCID, ,


Cervical erosion is diagnosed in about 15 % of the female population and its causes are not well understood. Among the main etiological factors mention infections, injuries, inflammation, hormonal disorders.Cervical erosion is often accompanied by unpleasant painful symptoms and in many cases turns into precancerous and cancerous diseases, which requires careful monitoring for early detection of pathology and timely initiation of treatment. Common methods for diagnosing diseases of the cervix are colposcopy, cytological examination and, if necessary, histological analysis. In some cases, the impact of environmental factors, including anthropogenic impacts, may lead to an increase in the incidence of cervical erosion in women. The Republic of Dagestan is dominated by agricultural production and there is an excess application of pesticides to the soils of the region. Despite a significant reduction in the pesticide load in recent years, it is still quite high. Some published papers discuss the relationship between the excess of pesticides in the soil and the incidence of cervical erosion in women of Dagestan. Obviously, in addition to the characteristic risk factors described in the literature, the local female population is exposed to additional harmful effects associated with agricultural production. This makes it relevant to conduct a general monitoring of the incidence of this pathology among women in Dagestan. The purpose of this article is to analyze additional risk factors for the development of cervical erosion in women of the Republic of Dagestan and the possibility of monitoring the female population for early detection of the disease.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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