The problem of forming and strengthening the health of children, preventing the occurrence of diseases is currently a key area of Russian education and health care due to the deterioration in the health of the younger generation. The share of school environment factors influencing the formation of students’ health is up to 30 %. In the educational system of a modern school, there is an intensification of the educational process. The complication of the curriculum in schools of a new type (lyceums, gymnasiums) requires long-term functional stress from schoolchildren, which worsens the state of the body, which is especially important for children with health problems. One of the criteria for the adaptation of the organism of schoolchildren to educational loads and their compliance with the functional capabilities of the central nervous system of students is the state of mental performance. In this regard, it is relevant to study the mental performance of schoolchildren belonging to different health groups. A survey of 130 girls and 160 boys of 11 years of age, students of the lyceum, who, after a comprehensive assessment of the state of health, were assigned to 1, 2, 3 health groups, was carried out. The quantitative and qualitative indicators of mental performance in the daily, weekly and annual dynamics of the academic year were analyzed. It is shown that children with chronic diseases in a compensated state successfully adapt to short-term educational loads, but have reduced resistance to long-acting factors of the educational process, which is confirmed by a significant decrease in qualitative and quantitative indicators of mental performance by the end of the school year. The significant decrease in mental performance at the end of the academic year among students of the 3rd health group, revealed as a result of the study, dictates the need for additional attention to the issue of hygienic regulation of the mode of activity of students with deviations from chronic diseases, as well as the development and use of health-saving training technologies.
PANORAMA Publishing House