Prosthetic heart valves in the work of a cardiological nurse


Khristov Y.D., ,Skvortsov V.V.ORCID,Rodionova I.V.ORCID, ,


Valvular defects are one of the most frequent causes of valvular insufficiency. Among acquired defects, they rank first in Europe and are the most common cause of heart surgery (46.6% of all planned heart operations in Russia in 2015). Meanwhile, there are no major modern studies of the epidemiology and treatment of these pathologies. The population is rapidly aging, and therefore valve pathologies are more and more common; being acquired, they develop for decades and usually manifest themselves at the age of over 40 years. Treatment of heart valve defects by conservative methods is symptomatic, since it is impossible to reverse morphofunctional tissue changes. The only way to finally defeat the disease is surgical inter vention and transplantation of a new valve.


PANORAMA Publishing House


Computer Science Applications,History,Education

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