State policy of ensuring decent wages in the field of education


Ustinovich Elena StepanovnaORCID,


2023 was declared the Year of the Teacher and Mentor in Russia by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 401 dated June 27, 2022. As the analysis of mass media, social networks, various channels on which various problems of the educational environment in our country are discussed shows, the most important of the expectations on the part of professionals in the field of education are associated with an increase in wages this year. The speeches of the heads of the highest state administration bodies in the field of education on the remuneration of teachers and teachers are actively discussed and commented on. Attention is also drawn to the absence of statements at the level of representative authorities about the increase in wages of the above — mentioned category of workers, but only about changing approaches to their accrual. The current approach to remuneration in general, and in the field of education, in particular, does not contribute to the fair distribution of additional financial resources due to bonus payments. An effective contract, which has been discussed a lot in the social and labor sphere in previous years, does not work here fully, which is noted, including among scientists dealing with these problems in the framework of research on the economic aspects of personnel management systems in educational budget organizations. In this regard, this article presents the main directions of the state policy of ensuring decent wages in the field of education, taking into account the analysis of the accounting documents of the Ministry of Education of Russia in 2023.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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