Comparative analysis of personal resources of belarusian and russian transitional and new generations in new cultural and historical conditions


Odintsova M.A.1,Radchikova N.2,Kozyreva N.V.3,Kuzmina E.I.1


1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

2. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

3. Institute of psychology, Belarusian state pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank


A comparative analysis of personal resources (hardiness, self-activation, personal dynamism, self-control) of the last Soviet (transitional) and post-Soviet (new) generations of Belarusians and Russians is presented. On the basis of the comparative analysis of four groups (N = 426): transitional (N = 100) and new (N = 104) generations of Russians; transitional (N = 93) and new (N = 129) generations of Belarusians, the following aspects are considered: 1) differences in the characteristics of resilience, self-activation, self-control and personal dynamism; 2) the structure of personal resources of transitional and new generations of Belarusians and Russians. It is shown that vitality, self-activation, self-control, personal dynamism have different levels of expression in different generations of Belarusians and Russians, depending on the cultural and historical context. A peculiarity of the transitional generations of Belarusians and Russians is the homogeneous structure of personal resources, in contrast to the structure of the personal resources of new generations. This type of research introduces the problems of the historicity of generations and the problems of the contribution of cultural-historical conditions and situations of challenge to personal resources.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Applied Psychology,Social Psychology

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