Features of intergenerational differences in the life position of adolescents


Sobkin V.S.1ORCID,Kalashnikova E.A.2ORCID


1. Institute of Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education

2. Institute of Education Management


In the context of the problems of intergenerational differences, the article considers the peculiarities of changes in the emotional assessment of the success of life perspectives, the formation of future plans and priorities in life values of students in primary and high schools. The work is based on a comparison of the results of monitoring questionnaires that were conducted by the staff of the CSE RAO from 1991 to 2017. The sample of respondents in 1991 was 1162 respondents, in 1996 — 1604, in 2002 — 2978, in 2017 — 11 803. When analyzing the materials, gender, age and social stratification differences are taken into account. The data were processed using mathematical statistics methods (criteria for significant differences, factor analysis). Results show that schoolchildren’s emotional assessment of the success of life prospects, the formation of future plans and value preferences largely depend on economic and political transformations in society. Using the factor analysis, five generalized oppositions have been identified, which allow an intergenerational comparison of the characteristics of students’ life positions with regard to gender, age and social stratification factors.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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