Psychological Predicates of Victim Behavior of Young People with Intellectual Disabilities


Bystrova Yu.A.1ORCID,Bystrov A.E.2ORCID


1. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education

2. Saint Luka Lugansk State Medical University


<p><em>The study is aimed at identifying the main individual psychological qualities of a personality that provoking the occurrence of victim behavior in high school students with intellectual disabilities (ID). Victim behavior is considered as the behavior of an individual with a social deviation from the norm, in which the individual himself, due to the commission of certain actions or inaction, finds himself in the role of a victim of a situation, conflict, bullying, fraud or other illegal actions. The study involved high school students with ID (N=492) living in Russia, including the newly annexed regions of Lugansk, Kherson and Donetsk regions. The study used methods of problematization, dialogization, and group interaction. It has been revealed that personal immaturity, impulsiveness, suggestibility, very high or low self-esteem, poor regulation of one&rsquo;s emotional state and behavior, concrete thinking, and weak analysis of situations contribute to the development of victim behavior in students with ID. The data obtained in the study are sufficient material for organizing preventive work to reduce victimization among students with ID.</em></p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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