The Adaptation of Personal Self-Activation Inventory for People with and without Disability of Different Ages


Odintsova M.1ORCID,Radchikova N.P.2ORCID,Aleksandrova L.A.3ORCID


1. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education

2. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE)

3. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


The work is devoted to the adaptation of Personal Self-Activation Inventory for respondents with disability (N=170) and without disability (N=1507) aged 18 to 65 years (31.6% male). Adaptation was carried out for four groups: people without disability up to 25 years old (N=1016) and from 25 years old (N=491), as well as people with disability up to 25 years old (N=102) and from 25 years old (N= 68). When considering the total score of self-activation, statistically significant effects of age and disability were found: people without disability outperform people with disability, and older people outperform younger ones. The effect of sex was not found out. When considering three self-activation subscales, it turned out that for people without disability, all subscales’ scores make the same contribution to the increase in self-activation with age, and for people with disability, only the scores on the scales of independence and psychological activation increase with age. Sufficiently high internal consistency of all the inventory’s scales on four samples and retest reliability for samples of people with and without disability indicate the relevance of the inventory. The norms for all scales of the Personal Self-Activation Inventory depending on age and presence/absence of disability are presented.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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