Features of Cognitive and Emotional Sphere of a Teenager with Epiphysis Pathology and Concomitant Speech Disorder: An Analysis of a Single Case


Turovskaya N.G.1ORCID


1. Volgograd State Medical University


<p style="text-align: justify;">The study of the features of cognitive impairments in various cerebral organic pathologies allows us to understand the role of individual structures of the brain in the implementation of mental activity and determine the appropriate ways of providing psychological assistance to patients. In a situation of rare pathology, the analysis of individual clinical cases is useful. The aim of this research was to study the state of cognitive functions in a 13-year-old male teenager with a cystic restructuring of the pineal gland and concomitant undifferentiated impairment of expressive speech. Changes in the epiphysis were detected in the patient in less than a month before this psychological study. During the examination, methods of pathopsychological and neuropsychological diagnostics, and projective graphic tests were used. In the course of neuropsychological research on a teenager, a violation of the ability to compose a syllabic kinetic scheme of utterance and, in general, a lack of dynamic and kinesthetic praxis, as well as interhemispheric interaction and auditory-speech memory were revealed. The main ways of providing psychological assistance to the patient were identified: neuropsychological correction aimed at restoring impaired speech function based on preserved higher mental functions, and restoration of the communicative function of speech. The obtained results of psychological research require further understanding and verification, primarily in order to understand the pathogenesis of cognitive disorders in the situation of cystic pineal gland rearrangement.</p>


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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