Diagnostic competence of teachers as a condition for overcoming academic failure of students


Guruzhapov V.A.1,Sanina S.P.1ORCID,Voronkova I.V.1,Shilenkova L.N.2


1. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education

2. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


The article provides research data on the impact of skills and abilities of teachers in training successful learners. For example, it regards the teacher’s diagnostic competence and its role in overcoming academic failure of students. The article presents the results of scientific research from the United States, Germany, Norway, Russia, etc. We introduce an overview of approaches to definition of diagnostic competence of the teacher. Special attention is paid to the diagnosis of learners’ understanding of educational material. For example, the math illustrates how you can analyze children's reasoning, what you can see and understand from the students ' erroneous decisions. The discussed data show how to build math diagnostic tests that can be used by the teacher of primary school to create his/her own tests. We also introduce the different view on the diagnostics, which is described as aimed at studying and correcting students’ behavior. The case is presented as a tool for development of diagnostic competence of teachers. The described model can be used as a practical guide for building diagnostic action of the teacher in the classroom. An efficient way of teaching students and training teachers with the help of multimedia is described. All the studies analyzed in the article are of great importance for the practice of education, are aimed at the development of diagnostic competence of teachers as a means of overcoming academic failure of students


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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