Reasons for reduced learning motivation in students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder


Katunova V.V.1


1. Privolzhsky Research Medical University (FSBEI HE PRMU) MOH Russia


The article discusses the study of the relationship of ADHD in children and adults with their learning motivation at the neurological and behavioral levels. On the basis of the results of research presented in modern foreign literature, two categories of reasons for the decline in learning motivation among students with ADHD are identified: external and internal. The purpose of this article is to emphasize that the system of motivation in patients with ADHD has deeper impairments than is commonly believed due to neurological disorders of the brain, as well as complex social problems, and present these results as an explanation of motivational and educational problems faced by students with ADHD. The article also presents possible directions for coordinating the reasons for the decline in academic motivation in ADHD and psychological theories of its formation (SDT, AGT and SCT). The possibilities of applying these theories for psychological and pedagogical solutions to the problems of motivation among students with ADHD are shown. The results of the analysis of the reviewed scientific papers indicate the need for a comprehensive account of the factors that reduce motivation in developing a system of recommendations for students with ADHD – for organizing their learning environment and planning the individual trajectory of their development.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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