Psychological Well-being in the Older People: the Effects of Academic Choral Singing


Meshkova T.A.1ORCID,Baklanova E.G.2ORCID


1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

2. Ippolitov-Ivanov State Musical and Pedagogical Institute


<p style="text-align: justify;">Aim. The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of psychological well-being of elderly and senile people who regularly engage in academic choral singing, and to identify factors related to this. Methods. A qualitative analysis was carried out to analyze the statements of the participants of two Moscow academic choirs of elderly people about the influence of choral singing on their physical and mental well-being. A quantitative comparison was made between the two groups of participants - choir members (46 people 57-91 years old; M=73,6&plusmn;7,8), and a control group of people of the same age, but not involved in singing (56 people 52-82 years old; M=67,1&plusmn; 6,8) - in terms of psychological and life well-being were conducted. The following measures were used: 1) the Russian version of the С. Ryff psychological well-being questionnaire, 2) a questionnaire regarding the socio-demographic information and the satisfaction with basic life circumstances, 3) a questionnaire (only for choristers) regarding the characteristics of musical and vocal-choral activity and their impact on the well-being of respondents. Results. The detailed statements of the choristers testify to the positive impact of choral singing on their physical and psychological well-being. The level of psychological well-being of elderly and senile people is largely determined by the well-being of important life circumstances. Engagement of elderly people in the academic choral singing has a significant effect in terms of increasing the psychological well-being of participants only if the level of well-being of the main life circumstances is high. The duration of engagement in the choir singing negatively correlates with the level of psychological well-being of the participants.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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