Features of Emotional Regulation in Adolescence (With the Example of Students of Cadet Boarding School)


Vlasova N.V.1


1. Moscow state psychological-pedagogical University


The article discusses the problem of cognitive emotion regulation and self-injurious behavior in adolescents enrolled in the Cadet boarding school. A review of current research studied the problem, analyzes the characteristics of emotion regulation in adolescence. It presupposes the fact that the use of effective cognitive emotion regulation strategies are reduced acts of selfinjurious behavior. The research sample of 39 students of the Cadet boarding school at the age of 13 to 16 years. As research techniques used and the reasons for the scale of acts of self-injurious behavior and a questionnaire study of cognitive emotion regulation (OKRE). On the basis of statistical analysis substantiates the link between emotional regulation strategies used, causes and acts of self-injurious behavior. It was found that the use of destructive policies cognitive emotion regulation leads to the manifestation of the nature of self-injurious acts.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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