Comparison of Conditions for Organizing Joint Activities in Face-to-Face and Digital Spaces


Edalov D.O.1ORCID


1. Moscow State University of psychology and education (MSUPE)


<p>This article presents a review of a pilot study comparing the features of organizing collaborative activities in a digital environment among students in grades 7-9 and the theoretical foundations for organizing joint activities. In the pilot study, students construct a model of a ship according to the rules specified in the task conditions. The reasons for the discomfort experienced by students when integrating into the digital space are examined and analyzed. The lack of means to mediate their activities in the online space is overcome by creating common linguistic models. Subsequently, students develop their own system of signs and symbols, and the number of digital tools used in their activities increases. This leads to increased productivity; some students who did not use video or audio devices affected the behavior of the entire group. Analysis of scientific works allows us to conclude that the organization of joint activities in the digital space is conditioned by the internalization of digital tools by students and the construction of common orientation systems in the digital environment based on them.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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