The Approximate Function of Speech in the Regulation of the Joint Activity of Preschool Children


Smirnova Ya.K.1ORCID


1. Altai State University


The article reveals the provisions that speech is used by preschool children in joint activities as a means of orientation in the process of developing an action plan. The goal was to identify the role of speech in the implementation of the exploratory search activity of the members of the group in the course of joint activities, as well as to develop control over the actions of preschool children. The study involved 147 preschool children, who were organized during the experiment in subgroups to jointly solve problematic situations. To illustrate the approximate role of speech in regulating the joint activity of preschoolers, Structural Equations (SEM) modeling was applied. A model is constructed that reflects the combined functional links of the regulation of the joint activity of preschool children. It is proved that in the structure of the regulation of joint activity speech provides an afferent synthesis of the conditions of activity, facilitates the analysis of internal and external conditions of joint activity, the development of a program of conscientious activity. It is shown that for preschool children, speech orientation tools are used as a mechanism for controlling and correcting behavior.


Council on grants of the President of the Russian Federation


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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