1. Federal state public educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow University of the MIA of Russia for them.In.I.Kikotya"
Religious extremism is a very dangerous form of extremism. Awareness of this phenomenon is a complex methodological task, as the phenomenon is multifaceted, dynamically changing and not amenable to the usual scientific and analytical research. The transition of radicals to the methods of individual propaganda, introduction into the information space, including through the Internet allows them to act, bypassing the laws of the Russian Federation. Masquerading as religious preachers, extremists feel comfortable on the field of ideological struggle. Today we should not talk about individual cases of underage recruitment into the ranks of the radicals, and the dissemination of ideas of religious extremism among young people and adolescents. Based on the analysis of the actual crime situation in the teenage and youth environment, as well as in connection with the necessity of understanding major changes in the civil-Patriotic consciousness of the modern representatives of the younger generations are offered in this article to the consideration of some religious and educational forms of work with minors as methods of Patriotic education and prevention of extremism.
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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