Deviant Online Behavior: From the Classification of Types to an Analysis of Assistance Programmes and Technologies


Bogdanovich N.V.1ORCID,Delibalt V.V.1ORCID


1. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education


<p style="text-align: justify;">The article presents the classification of deviant online behavior, as well as an analysis of programmes and technologies to help minors on the Internet. Such types of deviant online behavior as cyber aggressive (trolling, cyberbullying, hitting, etc.), antisocial (Internet fraud, participation in destructive groups, etc.), auto-aggressive and self-harming, cyber addictive (Internet addiction, dumscrolling, phabbing, etc.), cyber risky (watching thrashing, trolling, phabbing, etc.), cyber risky (watching thrash content, taking dangerous selfies, etc.) as well as cybervictim behavior (grooming, sexting, etc.). For the analysis, 10 programmes from the last 5 years, in which the topic of deviant behavior of minors on the Internet and cyber security was stated, were taken from open sources. In the process of analysis, the evaluation criteria outlined in the Guidelines for the Verification of Educational and Social Programmes and Technologies in accordance with the evidence-based approach in psychology and education were applied. Conclusions were drawn about the focus of the analysed programmes, and prospects for further development of social and psycho-pedagogical work technologies in the context of online deviant behavior were proposed.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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