Parent-child relationships as a factor of school bullying


Volikova S.V.1,Kalinkina E.A.2


1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

2. Moscow City University of Psychology and Education


The results present examination of schoolchildren of V—VIII grades from three Moscow schools. Regular or occasional bullying is experienced by more than 13% of participating children. Victims of bullying are more susceptible to verbal aggression from their peers. Appearance, behaviour, nationality, school achievements, — the factors that distinct the victims from their peers, — all may be a reason for bullying. Victims exhibit passive behaviours in bullying situations (try to ignore the situation, don’t tell about it, don’t seek for help, afraid of making the situation worse). Victims exhibit higher levels of depression, anxiety, more suicidal thoughts. The families of victims exhibit more problems in within-family communication, more formal control and critics toward children. Their mothers are less involved in the life of the kids and are less supportive.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Clinical Psychology,Health (social science),Developmental and Educational Psychology

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