On the Issue of Comorbidity in Autism Spectrum Disorders


Morozov S.A.1


1. the Society of assistance to autistic children "Dobro" (Kindness), associate Professor departments of correctional pedagogy and special psychology of the Academy of qualification improvement and professional retraining of education workers and Moscow Institute of open education


The phenomenon of comorbidity in autism spectrum disorders is considered as one of the factors underlying the expressed polymorphism of the clinic of autism. According to author’s research, among 628 children with severe multiple developmental disorders, the incidence of autistic disorders was significantly higher (40—50%) than the population’s average (1%, World Health Organization data). The variations of the interrelations of autism and comorbid disorders are highlighted, the possibilities of usage the obtained data for implementation of differentiated approach to support with autism are considered


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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