1. Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Psychology RAS
2. Federal State Budgetary Institution Institute of Psychology RAS
Objective. Analysis of the psychological characteristics of the image of Peter I in the structure of the political consciousness of users of the social network Twitter.
Background. The leading basis of the study is the provision on the subjective determination of political consciousness, which manifests itself in the multiple attitudes of people to the same facts of history. Secondly, the phenomenon of historical memory is one of the important foundations of the national self-identification of an individual, and manipulation of political consciousness becomes a means of influencing the self-consciousness of a person and society. Thirdly, it is important to turn to “digital” research technologies, which is associated with the promising development of scientific technologies and the acquisition of socially significant knowledge relevant to society as a whole.
Methodology. Concepts of image psychology, structural and content analysis of messages, methods of grounded theory, neural network model, analysis of the emotional background of short non-formalized texts.
Conclusions. It was revealed that the image of Peter I is highly appreciated in the field of international, military, economic, educational, legislative and administrative activities and is due to his outstanding achievements at the international and domestic political levels. At the same time, the development of political institutions under the emperor is not assessed so highly and unequivocally, the social essence of state administration and the rejection of the cultural traditions of the people are subjected to the greatest criticism. In particular, analysis of the emotional background of messages showed that the bulk of user messages differ in a moderately negative or neutral background.
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
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Cited by
2 articles.
1. The Image of Peter I in the Russian Mind;Psikhologicheskii zhurnal;2023
2. Peter the Great in Modern Russian Cinema;Russia: society, politics, history;2022-08-11